Podcasts have become fairly ubiquitous in the last few years with over 19.1 million people in the UK listening to podcasts on a regular basis, see my previous blog: Podcasts – the cool cousin of the written word for more information.

It’s easy to see why they podcasts have become so popular. They are usually free, are easily accessible from a smartphone or other device  and you can usually combine listening to a podcast with another activity such as running, driving or even doing the ironing.

For lawyers and other professional services, getting exposure via an appropriate podcast could be a great PR move.  For example, the EG, the leading property title, runs a successful weekly podcast series which provides property solicitors with an ideal platform to air their views and provide advice on industry-related issues.  In the same way, a private client solicitor may seek an interview on a leading personal finance podcast  while a family lawyer may look for exposure on a podcast aimed at people going through a divorce or separation.

Inevitably, the competition for an interview on a popular podcast series can be quite fierce. Just like traditional media, the key to success will be a well-researched and well-crafted pitch. Here are my top three tips for getting it “pitch perfect”:  

  1. Do your research: podcast hosts will always be happy to hear from potentially interesting guests, but only if you have done your homework – so don’t waste their time with something that is the wrong fit!  Listen to at least three episodes of your target podcast before you approach it and look carefully at the content of recent shows. It may sound obvious but check that your target podcast series actually features independent guests and that who you are suggesting is right for them. For example, don’t pitch a corporate lawyer to a business podcast that only interviews entrepreneurs. 
  2. Suggest the right topic: You need to be proactive and come up with a topic suggestion for your interview. Don’t expect the host to decide what they want to interview you about -make it easy for them and give them ideas! Getting this right will make or break your pitch. In a crowded field you need to make your pitch stand out, so make sure your proposed topic and content is timely, interesting and relevant. Avoid anything which is too much of a “hard sell” as audiences will switch off. Conversely, anything that teaches the audience something they want to learn about and, ideally, is hooked to a topical news issue will draw in listeners. 
  3. Come up with a title for your suggested episode: Following a podcast’s naming convention is a subtle way of demonstrating that you’re paying attention to their content. Check-out the episode list, try to identify any patterns and then emulate these in your pitch, if you can. This will also help give you ideas and a framework for the content you are putting forward.  

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Need some help with PR? Feel free to drop me an email to arrange a 30 minute complimentary call or take a look at some of the packages I offer law firms, accountancy practices and other b2b businesses.